Thursday, August 27, 2009

Feedback from the Pros. Re: Gabe Gonzalez

We heard through the grapevine (thanks Roderick), that Gabe Gonzalez was a student whose work is just getting better and better.

After checking out Gabe's site, we agreed that Gabe is one-to-watch, and we aren't the only ones who feel that way. Check out Gabe's site, and read what the pros have to say:

Stephen Karlisch, who remembers meeting Gabe at a number of forums, had this to say:
"Looking through his work, it's obvious that he is observing the photography world around him, and trying to find his place. There is still not a defined look or direction, but great effort in achieving good photographs in many styles.

He is young and is trying hard, one of the most important aspects of making it in this business. I'm sure with time he will find his niche and look and never look back.

The fact that he is setting up shoots, getting paid (I hope), and producing good results, and posting for critique on a world wide stage is the right direction. Tell him congratulations on his site and blog, and to keep shooting and having fun with it."

Stephen Karlisch's work can be found at HERE and HERE. Stephen (pictured to the left) is an incredibly sought-after wedding photographer, and he also specializes in architectural photography. Do a little research on Stephen. You'll find that his work has appeared and continues to appear in some pretty great publications!

Leslie Katz of Urban Photography took a look at Gabe's work and wrote, "I love that Gabe’s portraits are experimental. He experiments with light, composition, color and textures. Good photographers figure out what works and stay there...great photographers are always trying different things, pushing to the next level. I think with more experience, that’s exactly what Gabe will be. A great photographer.”

Leslie's work can be found HERE, and her blog can be found HERE. Leslie (pictured to the right) is a portrait photographer whose photos of children and seniors definitely have a fashion-photography bent.

Thanks to our Pros, Stephen Karlisch and Leslie Katz! Both are focused and know their clientele, and they love to share their insight with students and other photogs.

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